
Roxanne messina captor
Roxanne messina captor

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Luis Pedron: In the background are the relationships that Hannah had with her Mother and her involvement in the Kibbutz Movement of her time. It really doesn't get much better than that for a documentary filmmaker! And, to make it even better, she was an excellent photographer. So I discovered that she had recorded her life in pictures as well as in words.

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In the shoe boxes were 1300 photographs of Hannah and her family, more than half of them taken by Hannah herself. When I was given permission to make Blessed Is the Match by the Senesh family, they took me to a small room in what had been Catherine Senesh's apartment and there were floor to ceiling books, documents, letters and shoe boxes. I had seen the same 10 pictures of Hannah over and over again. Roberta Grossman: I had read Hannah's diary in junior high and had been fascinated by her all my life.

#Roxanne messina captor archive

Luis Pedron: How small or massive was the picture/diary archive of Hannah Senesh and how helpful were these materials to your filming this documentary? But the times demanded a response and she responded. No one wants to fight, not then, not now. But I also interviewed a high up male officer in the Israeli Defense Force – he told me that he remains inspired by Hannah's sacrifice. Hannah Senesh is still held up as a model of devotion and bravery to these young women in the Israeli military today. It was amazing to see so many young women in uniform, practicing packing parachutes, etc. I filmed one day at an Israeli parachutist base where young women were being trained.

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Roberta Grossman: I think the reference to Joan of Arc is because both Hannah and Joan of Arc were very young women who were touched with a passion for a cause and the belief that they themselves were called to serve the cause. Luis Pedron: Hannah Senesh has been likened to a "modern day Joan of Arc." How does this relate to the women then and women who are allowed to serve in the military now? Exclusive Interview with Roberta Grossman Dir: "Blessed is the Match"

Roxanne messina captor